British Cultural Centre Events in Shanghai – Coventry University Int’l Exchange Students Events

Rose invited Mr. Yang Yi Xiao, long-term friend and collaborator of DDA, to teach an introduction to calligraphy to the British Cultural Centre’s (BCC) students and international exchange students from Coventry University in the UK, who are being hosted by the Shanghai University for Science & Technology (USST).

?The group of 10 students and 2 teachers from Coventry University are staying in Shanghai for a two-week stay, during which they’ll have lectures in academic subjects, as well as cultural exchange activities with local students and the BCC staff and directors.
BCC Executive Director, Rose Oliver taught the UK students Tai Zu Quan (from the Tong Bei system) as well as facilitating the calligraphy activity and visits to local Chinese businesses, for the students and faculty members to know more about how Chinese manufacturing businesses operate.
We hope the international students from Coventry enjoyed their time in Shanghai, as well as their interaction with their USST student counterparts, and hope they come back to visit us at the BCC soon!

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