British Cultural Centre Events in Shanghai – Traditional Chinese Philosophy

?Dr. Sabine Kullak of Self Element delivered a talk to the British Cultural Centre’s (BCC) students and international exchange students from Coventry University in the UK, on the Chinese traditional birth charting philosophy or Eight Birth Pillars (Bazi) system for understanding one’s self destiny.

?Sabine described some of the origins of this ancient philosophy and how it can be transcribed into our modern lives, by helping people discern what might be their most suitable career path and life choices, based on their birth date and time and five elemental complements.

Sabine will also be conducting a talk on Feng Shui principles for home and office interior design for DDA’s members and guests on Tuesday 28th April, at our DDA centre: Room 606, Greenland Group, 18 Shunyi Rd, Putuo District, Shanghai.

For more details or to register, please contact Rose Oliver.


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