British Cultural Centre News Updates in Shanghai

A very big thank you to Ms. Ans Hooft of Shanghai Lifeline for taking time out of her busy schedule to give a talk on “Stress Management” for our students at the British Cultural Centre (part of the University of Shanghai for Science & Technology-USST’s International Culture Park).

The BCC really values her support; and especially for providing our USST student body with important stress management tools at this busy exam period!
Our BCC’S Theatre Club held its first ‘Grand Finale’, with an evening of Shakespearean Monologues performed by our student actors.
It was a wonderful evening, directed and led by our BCC Events Consultant, Rebecca Payne, doing a marvelous job as drama coach and director of the final performances. Well done to everyone who performed and we look forward to the next show!?
And the BCC held its annual Christmas party for USST students to wrap up events for 2017; it’s a chance for everyone to learn more about British culture, make friends and enjoy the season of goodwill at this festive time!

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