Double Dragon Alliance 2011 Taiji Class Members Christmas Party

This Christmas Day, DDA held their annual Christmas Party at the Hong Rui Xing Restaurant.
Students from DDA’s Taiji classes from Cao Yang Park, Bei Jing Road and Tian Lin Road, including their guests and families, attended the evening’s celebrations, giving everyone a chance to meet, catch up and enjoy the family atmosphere shared by all those participating in our Taiji classes.
Guests ranged from the very youngest of 4 months old, to one student’s parents in their seventies; everyone joined by their passion and interest in Taiji and their desire to improve their health, self cultivation and way of life.?
Thank you to Ms. Bian Rong Xing for organizing the dinner and to all the students for attending.
We wish everyone a very Merry Christmas and a Happy, Healthy & Prosperous New Year!?

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