DDA Shanghai Camp January 2020


DDA recently held their ‘2020 Shanghai Taiji Camp’, from 6th to 21st January with two US students, including newly inducted disciple Gabrael St Clair. Although this year’s camp was small, everyone had a great time, and went home with some amazing stories to tell about visiting Shanghai and the picturesque ancient water town of Tongli and Yu Gardens, and enjoying intensive training with top masters.






All this plus experiencing the build up to Chinese New Year; with memories of joining the Jiangpu Park Taiji Forum and Spring Festival demonstrations; being serenaded with Auld Langsyne, while waltzing with a legion of dance partners to the delight of the restaurant diners; with lessons from renowned masters, like Master Shou Guan Shun, Master Liu Hong Cai and Master Lu Zu Ping in Taiji, push hands, qigong, Dantian work and staff form; and daily training with Masters Wang Ming Bo and Rose Oliver, alongside our dedicated DDA group in Cao Yang Park and our disciples!







Taiji, international friendship, delicious Chinese food, and the festivities of Chinese New Year, what could be better! The warmth and family feeling among us brought everyone together and it was a pleasure to host our guests, Gabe and Lauren during their stay. We hope to welcome them back to Shanghai soon and wish them all the very best for the coming New Year of the Rat!





