Professor Li Ding’s Shanghai Yi Jing Association celebrated its 400th lecture on Sunday 21st September, holding an event to congratulate the teachers, assistants & volunteers who have put in so much work over the years promoting knowledge and appreciation of China’s Yi Jing heritage.
Among some of the performers and guest instructors who’ve contributed over the years, were DDA’s Rose Oliver & Master Wang Ming Bo, performing the first section of the Yang Style form and the 13 patterns of push hands, an amazing Gu Qin Chinese harp performance and song by Xxx and Taiji Straight sword by Master Ye, Grandmaster Ye Da Mi’s son.
The guest instructors were all also presented with a memento and certificate to thank them for their efforts.
Thank you to Professor Li Ding for all his efforts and hard work in promoting the Yi Jing and bringing this ‘complex’ and fascinating ancient philosophy into the modern domain, making it accessible to a new generation of scholars and enthusiasts!
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