TCM Open Surgery Q & A Session



DDA again cooperated with Dr Li Yong and his Conjoint Health Advisory Service, with an open surgery Q & A session, where guests could pose any questions they had about their own or others health concerns or to simply just find out more about Traditional Chinese Medicine’s health benefits and treatment methodology and underlying principles.




The group of western and Chinese guests had a variety of questions, many related to the types of foods that we can eat or that may cause certain health problems, like cold foods or drinks and the properties of certain foods which are classified as “damp or cold” in nature.

There was particular interest in why Green Tea has a dampening quality and when is the appropriate time to drink it. There was also a lot of interest from a certain guest on why cold beer was outlawed as detrimental for the stomach!




Dr Li also instructed the guests on how to massage several crucial acupressure points, which are very beneficial for overall health and that can alleviate certain problems from simple colds to heart conditions.

The evening gave everyone a chance to understand in more detail the complexity and scientific background of TCM’s treatment philosophy and some more information on how foods and the “misuse” of them can influence our health and well being.



We hope to organize a further session in early May, everyone is invited to submit any questions they may have for inclusion in the next workshop.

?Thanks to everyone who attended and to all the staff at the clinic and the assistants and volunteers who came to help at this month’s session.


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