DDA’s Rose Oliver Awarded 3rd Prize in China Storytelling Contest

Cultural Exchange

Rose’s recent article “10 Years Sharing Cultural Exchange with Students at USST’s British Culture Centre”, won third prize in “China’s Amazing Decade: My Story”, a storytelling contest run by China Daily Newspaper.

Awards ceremony prize winners listed.

Enjoying All Things Cultural

Rose’s composition alongside the other prize-winners’ articles will also be included in a soon-to-be published book, “My Chinese Story: China in the Eyes of Foreign Youth”. 

China Daily

Thank you to China Daily, it was great to be featured and take part in the recent online awards ceremony in Shanghai! 

Enjoy the Article

And here’s the link to Rose’s article on the China Daily Newspaper’s website !

Looking Forward

And congratulations to all the prize winners!

Another Award Winner on Stage
Introducing the Prize Winners!
Zoom Awards Ceremony!
Rose’s article “10 Years Sharing Cultural Exchange with Students at USST's British Culture Centre”, won third prize in "China's Amazing Decade: My Story", a storytelling contest run by China Daily Newspaper.

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