DDA’s Master Wang Ming Bo Attends Taiji Symposium in Jinan, China

Taiji Cultural Exchange

DDA’s Master Wang Ming Bo was part of the Shanghai delegation attending the recent Jinan Taiji Cultural Exchange Symposium, enjoying a wonderful event in Jinan province.

Pushing hands practice

Enjoying All Things Taiji

With around 50 delegations participating, dozens of teachers, practitioners and enthusiasts revelled in all things Taiji and Wushu.

The Jinan Boxing Friends Club and Mongolian Boxing Club members sparred in Taiji pushing hands, and there were dynamic performances of traditional Yang style Taiji, including one by DDA’s Master Wang Ming Bo, as well as many other wonderful performances.

Taiji Friendships

Over 60 people enjoyed the delicious banquet lunch that followed, and the enthusiastic communication and friendship that always accompany such occasions in China; with plenty of camaraderie, good fun and wine! 

And of course, discussions of all things Taiji!

Sightseeing in Jinan

An interactive push hands symposium at Zhengmeng Boxing Society capped off the wonderful weekend event.

Participants then had a chance to sightsee around the delightful landmarks of Jinan and enjoy the late spring sunshine in some of the areas most scenic spots!

Looking forward

DDA are excited to be part of next year’s Shanghai delegation, when we hope life in China and around the world will be back to normal, and we can organize Taiji cultural exchange activities with all our international friends!

Opening ceremony
Taiji demos in Jinan
Jinan sights and sounds
Jinan sightseeing
Wang Ming Bo sightseeing round Jinan's famous landmarks!

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