Taiji Events in Shanghai – DDA’s Master Wang Ming Bo Takes Part!

Taiji Culture

In Shanghai recently the Changning District Martial Arts Association held a ceremony for outstanding proponents of martial arts and officials awarded licenses and letters of appointment to those chosen for the accolade.

Master Wang Ming Bo recognized by his peers


A total of 29 ‘wushu leaders’ were honoured and Prof. Wu Zhikun, Vice President of the Wushu Association and Mr. Zhou Kaiwei, Honorary Vice-President of the Chinese Martial Arts Association, presented them with certificates.

Shared Heritage

Taiji events are always fun events and a great occasion to renew old friendships and make new ones!

100 Year Anniversary

The award ceremony was followed by a martial arts performance to celebrate the 100th year anniversary of the founding of the CCPC, with lots of the award recipients performing.


DDA’s Master Wang Ming Bo was accompanied by several of our DDA disciples; it was a great honour to be chosen for the accolade, and to share the day with so many enthusiastic and fantastic Taiji teachers and enthusiasts.


Enjoying Camaraderie

Wushu and Taiji transcend barriers and allow everyone to forge friendships, enjoy their own particular arts and share cross-cultural experiences.

A wonderful event and we’re looking forward to many more in the future!



Other teachers awarded for their efforts!
DDA's Wang Ming Bo being introduced at the event!
Always great camaraderie among peers!
Wang Ming Bo & DDA disciple Zhang Xiao Lan demonstrating push hands!
Taiji events are always fun events!

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