Chicago News, Art & Culture

Art & Culture 

Despite the hot weather, and increasing incidences of Omicron variants, there’s lots to enjoy in Chicago at the moment!

If you’re into art and culture, check out the marvellous Cezanne exhibition at the Chicago Art Institute, which lasts up until early September. This is a fabulous collection of some of Cezanne’s works, and an absolute feast for the eyes! 

Cezanne's "Chestnut Trees at the Jas De Bouffan", circa 1885-1886

Enjoying Dinosaurs!

The Field Museum, situated on Lakeshore Drive, also has a stunning exhibition currently, ‘Jurassic Oceans’, alongside its normal interactive, kid-friendly dinosaur exhibitions!

Field Museum

And for us bigger kids, satisfy your own inner child’s cravings for everything dino, enjoy a tour of the oceans from the Jurassic period, exhibitions about life and other cultures around the world, learn about plants, and take in one of the 3D video introductions to life before mammals. Whatever your interest, you’ll spend a fabulous day at the Field Museum!

Animal Welfare in Chicago

And check out the continual great work done by ‘PAWS Chicago‘ animal shelter helping homeless, sick, or injured cats and dogs in the Chicago area! And if you are able and have a suitable environment, why not try fostering, or adopting an animal in need of love and care!

Looking Forward 5K!

And of course, sign up to take part in the PAWS Chicago annual 5K Walk/Run fundraiser!

Little Ms. Albany, our last PAWS foster pup has happily found her loving forever home, so I’m sure she’ll be going through her paces for the race!

Thanks to McCann Dog training videos on YouTube for all their help with my fostering too!

Cezanne's 'The Hippodrome, London'
Who doesn't love dinosaurs!
Enjoying "Dino-mania" at the Field Museum!
Ms. Albany, our last PAWS foster pup going through her paces!