DDA’s US Taiji Students Making Great Progress!



Rose is excited to announce DDA, Magic Tortoise Taiji Taiji School, and Black Bamboo Pavillion students in North Carolina,



including Gabe St Clair, entered the KuoShu Tournament in Hunt Valley, Maryland, USA, along with several of Gabe’s peers and students, demonstrating both Yang Style Taiji, as taught to DDA by Grandmaster Dong Bin of Shanghai; and the Three Harmonies Broadsword, as taught to DDA via the late Grandmaster Yan Cheng De at our DDA Shanghai Camp in 2016, and Master Wu Mao Gui to Rose directly.




So happy for Gabe, winning a bronze medal for her rendition of Grandmaster Dong Bin’s Yang Style Taiji form in the senior citizen division; and bronze and silver medals in two separate push hands divisions.




Well done to everyone concerned; they are a diligent, earnest and enthusiastic group, and thanks to Gabe for so graciously passing on what she has learned at our DDA Shanghai, Sweden and USA camps!

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