Generosity in Taiji

How much does our actual spirit and generosity play in learning Taiji or other internal arts?

I have heard many teachers expound this principle and stress that to reach a high level one must have a generous spirit, not only in teaching and learning martial arts, but in one’s everyday life also.

I sincerely believe it too, but in my short time of training and learning Taiji both in China and the west I have been often disappointed to discover that this spirit, which is much expounded is often sadly lacking in practice. All too often it is “do what I say not what I do.”

I have been in China, particularly in Shanghai for over 7 years now and can say that I have met a huge number of martial artists and teachers in that time, as I did in other parts of the world before my late husband Rey and I came here.

I think that the influence of the world, in its search for money and position, whilst it should not affect the simple and pure beliefs of the Dao and Taiji practice, unfortunately also weave their way into the midst of this traditional way of life.

I hope that all of us, Western and Chinese alike can withstand the pressures of the modern world and the all too often greed for money, fame and power, and keep the pure spirit of the art alive, in our generosity and simplicity of spirit.

It would be a shame for all the lovers of martial arts and in particular Taiji, to keep the physical aspects and secrets of the art alive, only to lose the essence and heart of the art to the rapid grasping for money and power that consumes so many and turns art and culture into business and bottom lines.

Generosity of spirit, spiritual and energetic growth, humility and modesty and simple love for others are still an essential part of our Taiji practice and I hope that with the help of our friends and kung fu family we can all keep on the correct spiritual path of our practice and not succumb to the ‘seduction’ of the economic world.

Let me know what you think, or if you’ve met any of the circumstances I’ve mentioned.

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