Grandmaster Ye Xiao Long

Rose, her late husband & Ye Lian Hua in Lanshou posture Shanghai 2000

Lanshou Master

The late Grandmaster Ye Xiao Long was one of Rose’s earliest Lanshou Quan teachers in her Taiji/Wushu career, and remained a great friend and mentor over the years.

A master of both Yang Style Taiji and Lanshou Quan, Grandmaster Ye was hosted in both the US and Europe in the 1990s, where Rose first began training with him.

His Cao Quan form combined Taiji and Lanshou elements and featured coiling energy, as well as Lanshou ‘sharp and hard’ power.

Dedicated Teacher & Friend

He was both a dedicated practitioner and wonderful teacher; his power-stretching foundation work was an integral part of his Lanshou training, and his flexibility and nimbleness were legendary.

Grandmaster Ye, along with his son Ye Lian Hua, who had learned Lanshou from his father in his own youth, were instrumental in welcoming and training Rose on her arrival in Shanghai with her late husband in 2000.

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