Laozi Academy Shareholders and Members’ Annual General Meeting and Chinese New Year Celebration

The Laozi Academy held its AGM and Spring Festival celebration on January 26th at the Academy’s headquarters
in Pudong.Members, shareholders and guests gathered together to review the achievements and issues encountered
in the past year, plus look forward to the work ahead in the coming year.
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During the day-long event, speeches were made to the audience of over 130 guests, by several key members and
leaders, including Mr. Sun Zhang, principle of Guang Jian University, who talked about some of the events the
Academy has been involved in, including meeting with delegations from overseas institutions from Italy and France
through the academy’s Overseas Friendship Institution, plus the purpose and aims of the Academy for the future.
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Other speeches from the Academy’s leading members included how to raise its profile and activities, to hopefully bring
it the same recognition as the Confucian Institutes that are prevalent in many countries around the world and most
importantly, the principal Mr. Huang and Ms. Xu Lin, the Cultural Activities Leader, discussed how to further promote
culture, health, happiness and learning in society and among Chinese people in particular.
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Several key members of the investment team also gave feedback on events held over the last year, website management,
fiscal reports and advice for the coming year.
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There were also refreshments on hand and a chance for members to socialize and network, plus catch up with old friends
and colleagues.
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The evening also saw several performances and games, including a performance of the first section of the Yang Style form
by DDA’s Rose Oliver, who was also made an honorary member of the Academy by the principal Mr. Huang, who presented
Rose with a plaque in commemoration; interactive exercise movements by Mr. Chen, which got everybody out of their seats;
a presentation of “Hongbaos” or bonuses for members who’ve made significant contributions throughout the year; plus singing
duets, violin and a fun general knowledge quiz played by couples, featuring DDA Taiji disciple, Wei Jiang Nan!
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The day’s event ended with a buffet and a chance to chat and mingle, with everyone getting ready for an optimistic and healthy
start to the New Year of the Snake.
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Thank you to everyone at The Laozi Academy for their wonderful hospitality; we wish everybody at the Academy
all the best for 2013!
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