Rey’s daughter Ariane, who started learning Taiji from her Dad when she was very young, carries on the family tradition training in Shaolin and Taiji Quan.
Now 18, she and her friends took a recent tour around Zhongshan Park accompanied by Rose, Wang Ming Bo, who was an old friend of Rey’s, and Master Tang Jun Fang, who was Rey’s Lan Shou teacher, along with Master Qin Zhong Bao.
We all had a wonderful time and got to ‘play’ with Master Pan, who’s in his 80’s and an avid Shaolin practitioner, as well as several other friends, practicing front kicks and spinning kicks, which Ariane excelled at.
Master Tang very kindly introduced us to several teachers and made Ariane very welcome, it was a really special day for myself and Master Tang to be able to show Rey’s daughter where her Dad practiced and meet several of his old friends.