Mr. Sven Eriksson, owner and CEO of Glopack Packaging Co. Ltd, a long-term participant?in DDA’s Yang Style Taiji?course graduated on 13th September, having completed the second section of the traditional Yang Style Taiji form, following a layoff his studies due?to work pressures and committments.
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The class was the start of two new courses of the second and third sections of the course,
which are taught by Master Wang Ming Bo and Rose Oliver.
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The new courses were also attended by graduates from earlier courses, who also helped
assist Sven complete his performance of the second section.
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After his “examination” performance Sven was then presented with his certificate of successful
completion of the course.?
The new Taiji courses, working on the first, second and third sections, in addition to a separate
advanced course for students who have completed their studies of the Taiji form, began on
12th September and will run until January 2013, to register, please contact Rose Oliver for
further details.
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Congratulations to all the students on their hard work and endeavours and to Sven for his
commitment, enthusiasm and perseverance.